
Thursday, October 29, 2020

Pion Design - Reindeer Christmas Kisses

Hello fellow crafters, long time no see! I am so excited to share with you today, my first holiday card featuring Pion Design's 2020 Christmas collection "A Woodland Christmas Tale"! I just love the colour combinations, and as always, the patterns and images are stunning!

Pion products:

A Woodland Christmas Tale - PD33008A
A Woodland Christmas Tale - PD33010B
A Woodland Christmas Tale - PD33005B
A Woodland Christmas Tale - PD33002A
A Woodland Christmas Tale - PD33003B
A Woodland Christmas Tale - PD33012A

I hope everyone is staying safe and keeping busy during these crazy times.  Here at PJ's Wildlife, baby season is winding down, so as I have time to venture out into the world, I'm discovering just how chaotic and strange life has become. Thank goodness for crafting!!!

Sending out hugs to each of you, see you again soon.
