Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Blue and Pink Fairy Wishes

Hello Everyone! Today I am sharing a birthday card featuring Pion Dion collection "Four Seasons of Fairies". I love pulling out a collection I haven't used in a while and discovering the gorgeous designs and colours all over again!

Pion products:

Four Seasons of Fairies - PD24005B
Four Seasons of Fairies - PD24006B
Four Seasons of Fairies - PD24005A
Four Seasons of Fairies - PD24004A
Four Seasons of Fairies - PD24010A
Four Seasons of Fairies - PD1644

Thanks for visiting. I hope everyone is staying safe.
Hugs, Pamellia


  1. Hi Pamelia! Was really happy to see this on my reading list this morning. As always, your card is stunning. I love all the layers .. you have a knack of adding lots of interesting elements without overloading the card. I do love your style. Love that feathery lace. So beautiful and unusual. Don't know how you find the time to craft with looking after your special fur babies but you always knock my socks off. Hope you are keeping safe and well. hugs x

  2. Nice to see you, Pamellia! I hope you're still enjoying life out in the boonies. (: Lovely card! I especially adore those tiny lace flowers.

  3. Good to "see" you Pamellia, this so beautiful love the beautiful layers and what you can do with paper! Just Gorgeous.
    Faith x

  4. So nice seeing you again with a fabulous, stunning and so sweet card, Pamellia! Such delightful layering! LOVE these papers!!
    I missed your cards (and miss your furry babies notices so much!) Hope that all is going well in your woodland heaven! Sending hugs and positive vibes!

  5. Enchantingly gorgeous! This palette is such a lovely way to transition from the pale hues of winter into the soft, sweet sky blue and garden shades of spring.

    Speaking of which, happiest wishes for a gorgeous, safe, wonderfully blessed season coming your way!

    Autumn Zenith 🧡 Witchcrafted Life

  6. Ooh! How did I miss this? I absolutely adore these layers Pamellia. Hugs, Chrisxx

  7. Wow, you really know how to layer and combine - I am never that daring!
    Question: Quite a while ago you published a lovely birthday card in vintage style, with a "There is still no cure for age" (or something in that line) tag and a vintage photo. I would like to read that post again, is it still to be found?
    Happy crafting,

  8. Thanks for your passion and insight into this subject

  9. I really enjoy seeing how you incorporate different collections into your projects.
